Dust is your enemy
Dust is the most common contributor to PM10 pollution in our homes. It is ordinary to find a layer of dust on your table even if you wiped it clean in the morning. With more cutting of trees, construction activities, dust storms and changing wind patterns, these PM10 particles easily make their way into our homes and into our bodies.
It affects your health
Dust particles can cause a variety of health problems if inhaled. In the short term, it can show symptoms like irritation in eyes, nose or throat, coughing, sneezing, triggering allergies, asthma attacks and even transmission of diseases like Covid-19. In the long run, dust pollution can lead to TB, chest infections, COPD, heart diseases or lung cancer.
Are you vulnerable?
Young children, older persons, pregnant women, those already suffering from respiratory problems or cardiac issues and people susceptible to allergies are most vulnerable to the health effects of breathing in dust particles.
How to fix it?
Keeping windows and doors shut to prevent dust from coming in is not practical, as you still need fresh oxygen from outside. The best way to prepare yourself for a battle against dust is by deploying an air purifier. A human hair is 50-70 microns in diameter, whereas a dust particle is 10 microns or less. To catch these particles, you can use a HEPA air filter purifier which cleans the circulating indoor air.